Wednesday, January 30, 2013

First meeting with Ambassador Bodde

I have had the opportunity to meet with US ambassador to Nepal his Excellency Peter W. Bodde in the embassy premises today. Around forty young people from diverse background were invited for professional CV writing and successful interview training.

Before the training, the ambassador gave a welcome speech and it was quite impressive. It is one of the truly inspiring speeches I have ever heard. Based on his 30+ years experience in the diplomatic field, he provided some tips to be true professional in one’s career. He asked everyone to believe that there are always better solutions, better answers ad better people to do the things. The groups seems to have left mesmerize when the ambassador declared that he is meeting with the best and brightest youths Nepal has to offer.

More than ever, we are bedeviled by the distractions and interruptions and they always tend to pull us away from the task at hand. Therefore, it is very important to do very few things that are truly important so that we can get work accomplished. So, his first advice was—stay focused.

All are rushing to find financial independence, social recognition and happiness in their life. However, very few people find them. It requires continuous effort. The people who act with regularity in their action reap the most success in the long run. So, his second advice to the group was- tenacity.

Learning is a continuous process and it requires time and commitment. There are some people who assume that they know all and they don’t need to bother to ask any more. Other people are afraid that by asking questions they will look either weak or ignorant. He wanted the Nepalese youths to speak up. Therefore, his third advice was- dare to ask questions.

We constantly meet new people in our daily lives and promise for future meet ups. The problem is that many of us never meet them again. Sometimes, the time is so short that we hurry to get back to the life and work. Despite our business, we need to take time out of our schedule to call and connect with the people. This may also open the doors of opportunities. Therefore, his final advice to the group was- regular follow up. 

After hearing Mr. Bodde, I also realized that these four words are very simple and can produce incredible result if executed properly. 

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