As an education advocate, I am keenly aware that education is the powerful means to individual empowerment and the prerequisite for the development of any country. When the youths know that the adults in their lives care about them and offer guidance, they will certainly bloom. When these focuses are absent, their hopes and dreams wither.
In meeting youths from different walks of life, I have learned from listening to them even though they might worry about the future, they are more concerned about their present. Most of them are ready to absorb the lessons that will help them to succeed in life, and they are grateful to those who are willing to invest time and effort in guiding them. When the guiding energy of ours matched by the learning energy of our youths, the results are stronger lives and a stronger society.
I am often asked to give an advice to youths, and this is what I tell them: Remember that you are the architect of your own destiny. Consider how to prepare yourself for the future. Think about the habits, skills, and knowledge that will help you succeed in life. Choose a circle of friends who have admirable qualities –honesty, intelligence, kindness and wonderful sense of humor—and who bring out the best in you. Spend as much time reading as you can and read widely. You will learn a lot, always be able to entertain yourself, and be interested to other people.
My greatest wishes for youth everywhere is that there will be adults in their lives to show them, both by lesson and example, the skill they need to take their place as secure, productive and happy member of the society. As a facilitating organization, Professional Development and Research Center (PDRC) is working to ensure that every socio-economically excluded youth should have an access to quality higher education. They are further equipped with professional skills and competencies so that they can be a true professionals in their chosen career. With that crucial foundation, all other learning process becomes easier and a successful life can follow.
1 comment:
Very practical suggestions. Keep it up!
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